Jalani Gulal


Jalani Holi Gulal

  • Product : Jalani Holi Gulal
  • Colour : Jalani Holi Gulal Available in 8 Color
  • fm : Powder

Jalani Gulal is traditionally made from pure and herbal natural Non-Toxic, Skin-friendly ingredients, Jalani Holi Gulal is available in a wide variety of colors and fragrances, including red, purple, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, and violet, Jalani Gulal is leading Manufacturers of Holi Gulal.
Jalani Gulal are making premium quality ingredient that does not affect the skin. These are eco-friendly colors and highly safe to use, they are smooth and silky as well. Jalani Gulal is provided with that extra glitter which adds to the celebration of any color.

Product Name Inner Packing Master Packing
Jalani Gulal 100gm Pouch Packing 10 Pouch = 1 kg 25 kg in a Katta / Bag
Jalani Gulal 10 kg Packing No Inner packing 40 kg in a Katta / Bag